Kindly get in touch with us for further information, if a certain product or service isn't to your satisfaction, for further expansion and enhancement of our goods and services.

Agricultural Sector

In educating youth about farming and instilling an interest in agriculture is about more than looking at a number on a budget line.

  • Farmland leasing, Livestock/poultry,
  • Beef production, Fertilizer Production and supply
  • Palm oil supply, Ginger Production
  • Organizing Agricultural Seminars

Oil & Gas Investments/Services

We are considering various ways of making use of our oil and gas downstream industries, this is to be complemented with other sources as raw materials.

  • Allocation Procurement and Crude oil supply to Refineries
  • Feedstock Processing Package and Refined Products Package
  • Tank farm and Vessel Package and Financial Instrument Package

Management Intermediaries

As management intermediary we are entity that acts as the middleman between two parties in a financial transaction.

  • Seller/Buyer Mandate
  • Creation of Partnerships
  • Projects Procurement
  • Brokerage/Deal Facilitation

Commodity Trading

Grunschild International through its global network of associated Partners on the world stage has direct access to source-: Global Management, senior advisory Team, Decision-makers and Finances.

  • Crude Oil Trading
  • Refined Fuels(Jet A/A1/JP54, D2, D6, EN590, Mazut100)
  • Gas(LPG, LNG) and Minerals (Gold, Coal, Iron/Nickel Ore, Copper)

Safety & Compliance

It is the Company’s belief that an employee’s safety will never be compromised in any manner to achieve any operational or business objective. Grunschild International conducts business in a manner that protects the safety of employees in its operations including customers and the general public.

Grunschild Technical Officer at work

It is the Company’s belief that an employee’s safety will never be compromised in any manner to achieve any operational or business objective.

Crude Oil Technical Officer on maintenance works

Grunschild International conducts business in a manner that protects the safety of employees, others involved in its operations including customers and the general public.

Farmers aiding irrigation at the region

The Company strives to prevent all accidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses through the active participation of every employee and compliance with 3rd party safety oversight organizations.

Grunschild Engineers at the site

The Company is committed to continuous efforts to identify and eliminate or manage safety risks associated with its activities.